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Ana Kovalenko

Anna Kovalenko and Havenlight are working together to bring hope to refugees who have fled Ukraine. At twenty years old, she left Ukraine to study abroad at the Cummorah Academy in the Czech Republic for three months beginning in January 2022. Unaware at the time that she would be leaving her family at a pivotal time in their country’s history. Unable to physically help in this fight, she reached out to Havenlight for support. On March 14, 2022 Havenlight released four of Kovalenko’s images all profits of which will go directly to the Cummorah Academy who is helping resettle refugees affected by the war in Ukraine.

Kovalenko’s most notable pieces highlight imagery of Jesus Christ, The Kyiv Ukraine Temple and a beautiful depiction of the Salt Lake City Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Kyiv Ukraine temple was the first located within the territory of the former Soviet Union. This image boasts the stunning architecture of the temple and radiates light. The colors used in the background symbolize the Ukraine flag.

1 product found in Ana Kovalenko

Kyiv Temple with Sunflowers
Kyiv Temple with Sunflowers
  • From $14.99