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Oil and Water Color Paintings

This is a collection of some of our favorite oil & water color paintings. These art mediums are each beautiful in their own right, and give texture and grandeur in their own unique way. We also chose art pieces that focused on the treatment of light and shadow, positive and negative space, as well as precision verses abstraction. We hope you enjoy these images and paintings, and that they bring a sense of joy and depth within the space you showcase them.

2 products found in Oil and Water Color Paintings

Peace Be Still is a painting that depicts Jesus Christ calming the raging sea amidst a storm - Yongsung Kim | | Christian Artwork
Peace Be Still
  • From $9.99
The Lost Sheep is a painting that depicts Jesus Christ saving a lost sheep in a field that has caught on fire - Yongsung Kim | | Christian Artwork
The Lost Sheep
  • From $9.99