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Continue Shopping160 Beautifully Written and Illustrated Pages - An Religious Arts Journal of the Highest Caliber.
Wayfare seeks to be a companion and guide on the journey of faith. We publish a range of original writing: essays, interviews, dispatches, profiles, poetry, miracles, sermons, and works of book, film, and art criticism.
The Restoration began with a sincere question and the reception of divine truth. Wayfare embraces that hunger for new light with the conviction that our Heavenly Parents always desire to reveal more to their children.
Because truth is often stranger and more subtle than we imagine, we follow Jacob’s example of wrestling with complexity, mystery, and eternity. For that reason, Wayfare welcomes new voices and ideas that transcend, explore, and expand familiar boundaries—we seek after the true, the good, and the beautiful wherever they may be found.
Our aim is to cultivate within individuals and communities the more abundant life that is found in Christ through writing that is leavened with faith, brightened by hope, and deepened through charity.
Finally, we affirm the revelation Joseph Smith received May 9, 1831: That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
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